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长江中下游六省大气甲烷柱浓度时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甲烷(CH4)是造成气候变暖的主要温室气体之一。为了了解长江中下游水稻种植区CH4浓度的分布情况,本次研究基于温室气体观测卫星(greenhouse gases observing satellite,GOSAT)和大气红外探测仪(atmospheric infrared sounder,AIRS)卫星反演的数据产品,对我国长江中下游六省大气CH4柱浓度的时空分布特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,由GOSAT反演的长江中下游六省大气CH4浓度呈逐年增长趋势,其年均浓度由2011年的1817×10?9增长至2018年的1875×10?9,高于东三省、华北平原和全国平均水平。区域平均年增长量为8.2×10?9 a?1。各省年际增长幅度略有差异,纬度偏低的江西、湖南和浙江三省大气CH4浓度高且增长量偏大,纬度偏高的湖北、安徽和江苏三省大气CH4浓度略低且增长量偏小。长江中下游六省大气CH4呈现较强的季节变化特征,湖北、湖南、江西和浙江峰值出现在9月,安徽、江苏峰值出现在8月。垂直方向上长江中下游六省CH4浓度随气压降低,浓度逐渐减小,呈现出明显的季节变化特征,近地面层GOSAT反演的最高值出现在夏季,最低值出现在春季;高层最高值出现在秋季,最低值出现在春季。AIRS反演的大气CH4浓度空间分布上北高南低,与GOSAT反演结果不一致,可能由于AIRS主要反映了对流层中层大气状况而GOSAT更多的反映了近地面层大气CH4的变化。其垂直方向上呈现高度越高,浓度越低,不同高度上秋季浓度均最高。  相似文献   
马翔宇  李传金 《冰川冻土》2021,43(1):92-106
黑碳被认为是除温室气体外对气候变暖贡献最大的辐射强迫因子。三极(北极、南极和青藏高原)地区是全球雪冰分布最集中的区域,沉积至雪冰中的黑碳可反映人类活动的历史变化,并可能导致反照率降低而影响物质能量平衡。通过系统回顾三极地区雪冰黑碳的研究方法、空间分布、时间变化及其造成的辐射强迫,得到的研究结果表明: 由于处于不同的地理位置和环境条件,三极雪冰中黑碳的时空分布及其辐射强迫差异较大,其中青藏高原是浓度和辐射强迫影响最大的地区,也是对水资源和生态安全潜在影响最严重的区域。三极地区雪冰中保存着长时间序列的黑碳沉积记录,是研究自然变率、人类活动影响黑碳沉积历史(如北极与青藏高原冰芯中记录的工业革命以来黑碳沉积的快速上升)的良好介质,同样为模型预测未来变化提供了数据支持。三极地区是全球变化的指示器和放大器,在全球变暖不断加剧的背景下,黑碳必然会在未来的三极地区气候演变中扮演更为重要的角色。  相似文献   
青藏高原西部阿汝冰芯记录的近100 a气温变化研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以2017年9月钻取自青藏高原西部阿汝冰崩区长度55.29 m的阿汝冰芯为研究对象,通过冰芯δ18O记录与Nye模型重建了冰芯上部17.87 m的时间序列是1917—2016年。结合冰芯邻近的改则、狮泉河气象站1973—2016年夏季平均气温数据,通过相关性分析及线性回归法、Mann-Kendall(M-K)检验分析,发现冰芯与气象站记录的过去44年气温显著升高;根据M-K突变检验得出,20世纪80年代是气温变化由高—低—高的转折时期,且阿汝冰芯记录的突变年份1981年前后气温上升约1.97 ℃。同样地,采用线性回归法、M-K检验分析阿汝冰芯与邻近的古里雅冰芯共同记录的1917—1991年气温变化情况,发现两支冰芯记录的75年间气温变化总体呈上升趋势;根据M-K突变检验得出,升温始于20世纪30年代中后期并于50年代达到显著升温的趋势,且阿汝冰芯记录的突变年份1949年前后气温上升了约1.1 ℃。阿汝冰芯与气象站和古里雅冰芯记录的气温变化具有一致的升温趋势,但阿汝冰芯记录的增温幅度比气象站记录高,同时比古里雅冰芯记录的增温幅度小。  相似文献   
三江源地区是我国重要生态安全屏障,冻土是其高寒生态系统的重要组成部分,冻土的变化深刻影响高寒生态系统固碳及水源涵养。基于英国东英吉利大学(University of East Anglia,UEA)气候研究中心(Climatic Research Unit,CRU)月平均气温再分析资料,利用线性倾向法和滑动平均法并结合GIS空间分析和制图,计算并分析了三江源地区1901—2018年冻融指数变化趋势及其空间分布特征。结果表明:三江源地区冻结指数在1901—2018年整体以-1.1 ℃·d·a-1的斜率呈波动减少趋势,经历了三个波动变化阶段:1901—1943年的下降(-3.4 ℃·d·a-1)、1943—1966年的升高(8.8 ℃·d·a-1)、1966—2018年的再次下降(-4.3 ℃·d·a-1)。融化指数与冻结指数的变化相反,整体以0.34 ℃·d·a-1的斜率呈波动上升趋势,呈现升高(1901—1943年,3.3 ℃·d·a-1)、下降(1943—1981年,-3.1 ℃·d·a-1)、再次升高(1981—2018年,2.9 ℃·d·a-1)的趋势。在空间分布上,自西向东随海拔和多年冻土连续性降低,冻结指数由3 400 ℃·d递减到600 ℃·d,融化指数由接近0 ℃·d增加到1 800 ℃·d。长江源区冻结指数最大,融化指数最小;黄河源区冻结指数最小,融化指数最大。研究成果可为三江源地区冻土变化及其对高寒生态环境的影响研究提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   
南海夏季风爆发时间在1993/1994年出现显著的年代际提早, 探讨了大气要素场的不同时间尺度分量季节演变的年代际变异对南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际变异的相对影响作用。南海夏季风爆发时间的年代际提早与南海季风区对流层经向温度梯度季节性逆转的年代际提早有密切联系。南海季风区5月中对流层经向温度梯度年代际增强主要由季风区北部温度的年代际显著增暖造成。季内分量和季节以上分量对1993年之前南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏晚的作用同等重要。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量主要源于季风区北部温度相应分量的贡献, 而季节内分量则主要由南部相应分量影响所致, 并由25~90 d分量所主导。季节以上分量对1994年之后南海季风区经向温度梯度逆转及加强时间偏早的贡献要大于季节内分量的贡献。经向温度梯度距平的季节以上分量和季内分量对总距平的正贡献都主要来自于季风区北部温度相应分量。两种季内低频分量对温度梯度季内分量的贡献率相当, 10~25 d分量主要由南海北部温度相应分量所主导, 25~90 d分量对总距平的正贡献也源自北部分量。准双周振荡分量对各年代南海夏季风爆发具有明显的触发作用。   相似文献   
利用传统的气象站法, 结合空间统计学方法(普通克里金插值法), 对福建省晋江市2010—2014年40个自动气象站逐小时温度资料加以计算处理, 分析了晋江市年、季、昼夜热岛强度时空变化规律。(1)晋江市年、季、昼夜热岛强度都呈带状分布, 等值线呈西南-东北走向, 年、季、昼夜变化趋势显著, 北部热岛强度高于南部。五年间热岛强度持续增强, 但增幅不大, 增速放缓。(2)城市化水平的提高, 会导致热岛强度高值出现季节提前, 故旅游区秋冬季热岛强度高于春夏季, 中心城区和产业经济区夏秋季热岛强度高于冬春季。(3)晋江市热岛效应昼夜空间分布格局差异性大, 夜间热岛强度显著高于白天, 最低值出现在14—16时, 中心城区和产业经济区最低值出现时间较旅游区略推迟, 三个功能区的最高值均出现在凌晨。   相似文献   
China has been experiencing widespread air pollution due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in recent decades.The two major concerns of ambient air quality in China are particulate matter(PM) and tropospheric ozone(O_3). With the implementation of air pollution prevention and control actions in the last five years, the PM pollution in China has been substantially reduced. In contrast, under the conditions of the urban air pollution complex, the elevated O_3 levels in city clusters of eastern China, especially in warm seasons, have drawn increasing attention. Emissions of air pollutants and their precursors not only contribute to regional air quality, but also alter climate. Climate change in turn can change chemical processes, long-range transport, and local meteorology that influence air pollution. Compared to PM, less is known about O_3 pollution and its climate effects over China. Here, we present a review of the main findings from the literature over the period 2011–18 with regard to the characteristics of O_3 concentrations in China and the mechanisms that drive its interannual to decadal variations, aiming to identify robust conclusions that may guide decision-making for emissions control and to highlight critical knowledge gaps. We also review regional and global modeling studies that have investigated the impacts of tropospheric O_3 on climate, as well as the projections of future tropospheric O_3 owing to climate and/or emission changes.  相似文献   
The exponential increase of ecosystem utilization has instigated a serious conflict between ecosystem services and residents’ needs. The Belt and Road Initiative has greatly influenced Laotian production and living, and the scientific assessment of the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos is important for exploring residents’ influence on the ecosystem. Based on data for the Laotian consumption of agricultural products, fruits and livestock products during 1961-2013, normalized by either harvest index or feed conversion ratio, this study draws three main conclusions. 1) Ecosystem service consumption in Laos is centered on the consumption of farmland, forestry and grassland ecosystem services, which account for over 80%, over 10% and under 2%, showing downward, upward and constant trends, respectively. The consumption of these ecosystem services shows a trend of increasing first, then fluctuating, and finally increasing. 2) The consumption of ecosystem services in Laos was characterized by the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” from 1961 to 2008, and the mode of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services” from 2008 to 2013, with a trend of transformation from the former into the latter. 3) The formation and change in the consumption mode of Laotian ecosystem services have been affected by both supply and trade. Laos developed agriculture mainly during the period from 1961 to 2008, forming the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services”. This development benefited from the enriched varieties of imports as well as the increased value of trade and import volume. However, the consumption of ecosystem services in Laos after 2008 changed from the mode of “dominance of consumption of the farmland ecosystem services” to one of “balanced development of consumption of farmland, forest and grassland ecosystem services”. This study provides an empirical reference for research on the consumption of ecosystem services.  相似文献   
The urban heat island is considered as one of the most important climate change phenomena in urban areas, which can result in remarkable negative effects on flora, concentration of pollutants, air quality, energy and water consumption, human health, ecological and economic impacts, and even on global warming. The variation analysis of the surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) is important for understanding the effect of urbanization and urban planning. The objective of this study was to present a new strategy based on the Shannon’s entropy and Pearson chi-square statistic to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of the SUHII. In this study, Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and TIRS images, MODIS products, meteorological data, topographic and population maps of the Babol city, Iran, from 1985 to 2017, and air temperature data recorded by ground recorder devices in 2017 were used. First, Single-Channel algorithm was used to estimate land surface temperature (LST), and the maximum likelihood classifier was employed to classify Landsat images. Then, based on LST maps, surface urban heat island ratio index was employed to calculate the SUHII. Further, several statistical methods, such as the degree-of-freedom, degree-of-sprawl and degree-of-goodness, were used to analyse the SUHII variation along different geographic directions and in various time periods. Finally, correlation between various parameters such as air temperature, SUHII, population variation and degree-of-goodness index values were investigated. The results indicated that the SUHII value increased by 24% in Babol over different time periods. The correlation coefficient yielded 0.82 between the values of the difference between the mean air temperature of the urban and suburbs and the SUHII values for the geographic directions. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between the population variation and the degree-of-goodness index values reached 0.8. The results suggested that the SUHII variation of Babol city had a high degree-of-freedom, high degree-of-sprawl and negative degree-of-goodness.  相似文献   
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